
                                                       Robert Salmon (1775-1844)
Oil on board, titled on reverse “Squantam Rock”.  Also signed and titled on the reverse "R.S" and numbered "822". Salmon also noted on the reverse that it took 2 days to paint the picture and he sold this painting at auction for $9. The painting depicts Squaw Rock on the tip of Squantum Peninsula in Boston Harbor at Quincy, Massachusetts. The outcrop of bedrock, known as Squaw Rock is prominent on the left with an American flag appearing on top and one can view to its right a Salmon luminous colorful sky!  Salmon painted between 300-400 paintings while in America and became known as the "Father of American Luminism". Salmon portrayed his subject matter such as water (especially his linear waves), boats, color, people in a very identifiable manner and this painting has all his visual elements; the serene blue sky at the top with the effects of light and atmospheric sky appearing below over the realistic landscape and seascape. In the water on the left is an old heeled over wreck. To the right is a small two masted rig vessel with red shirt figure standing holding a line at the bow. There is a seated figure rowing with water dripping from his oars. Nestled in a cove near the shore are several small sailboats at anchor. The painting has a very luminous sky with pink striations with white highlights. The water is somewhat choppy in the foreground and flattens out as it approaches the small sailing vessels.   (PA1077)

Provenance: George Lewis Collection

Note 1: Salmon kept a journal where he listed most of his paintings. The listings would usually list the painting number, these numbers ran chronologically from low to high in the journal. In the listing he usually would mention the painting's size, title and number of days it took to paint the picture. If he sold the painting, he would sometimes include the sold price. When Salmon completed a painting, he typically, but not always, wrote the journal number on the back of the canvas or wood panel. Having the painting with the catalogue number enables one to refer to the journal to obtain additional information about the painting. A copy of the original journal is in the collection of the Boston Public Library. A second reference is a book “Robert Salmon Painter of Ship and Shore” by John Wilmerding which has in the back an Appendix A which begins on page 89 and ends on page 98. The paintings in the journal begin with No. 1 and end on No. 999. The dates in the journal begin at 1807 and end in July 1840. Not all Salmon paintings were listed in his journal; Salmon’s first works were painted in the year 1800; seven years before the journal came into use.
Note 2: There are two labels on the back of the frame:  1) a hand written label which appears to be in Salmon's hand states: “Painted by Robert Salmon Squantan”; and  2) a Quester Gallery label. 

Reference 1: Granby, Alan and Janice Hyland, “Flying the Colors: The Unseen Treasures of Nineteenth Century American Marine Art”, published in 2009 by Mystic Seaport. A very similar but larger painting also dated 1843 is described on page 9 and is illustrated on page 37.
Reference 2: Wilmerding, John, "Robert Salmon Painter of Ship and Shore", published by the Peabody Museum of Salem, MA, 1971. In Appendix A, page 95, No. 822, it states: "12 x10, 2 day, Squantan, sold auction Boston 1836. $9".

Condition of Painting: Painting is in excellent condition with only a few scattered dots of in-paint with minor in-painted frame abrasion.
Condition of Frame: Period gesso frame with original gold leaf surface. There are a few minor surface losses along the top edge.

Dimensions of Painting: Height 10, Width 12.5 inches.
Dimensions of Frame: Height 16 1/4; Width 18 5/8 inches.

Auction Records for similar American Paintings by Robert Salmon:
 01/26/11 Bonham’s “American Revenue Cutter” 16x24   ($150,000-$250,000).               Sold: $458,000.
 8/4/06  Barridoff  “A Schooner in Calm Sea” 8x10  ($30,000-$50,000).                               Sold: $148,125.
 5/21/02 Phillips “American Schooner Under Heavy Sail” 16X24   ($150,000-$175,000).  Sold: $189,000. Foster Collection.
 5/21/02 Phillips “Schooner with a View of Boston”  16x24   ($200,000-$250,00).             Sold: $508,500.  Foster Collection. 
 5/21/02 Phillips “Bark Marblehead” 15x23   ($175,000-$250,000).                                      Sold: $310,000.  Foster Collection.
 5/21/02 Phillips “View of Boston Harbor” 9x11   ($125,000-$150,000).                              Sold: $552,000. Foster Collection.
12/3/98 Sotheby’s “Shipping Scene at Boston”  15x24   ($80,000-$120,000).                     Sold: $112,500.

Price $85,000