Yacht racing Off Sandy Hook NYYC Regatta June 14, 1877 by JE Buttersworth
Paintings and Marine Art are one of our largest collections. In the Luminist American Art category we inventory paintings by Fitz Henry Lane, William Bradford, James E Butterworth, Francis Silva and Eliza Taylor Baker. We have a large group of American merchant sail paintings by Conrad Freitag and Warren Sheppard. The more primitive artists we carry are paintings by James Bard, Carles Raliegh, S.F.M. Badger and Ralph Cahoon. We have several fine Liverpool school paintings of American merchant ships by Duncan McFarland, Samuel Walters, William G Yorke, William H York and John Huges. Both Antonio Jacobsen and Fred Pansing are our favorite painters specializing in steam ships. We have written several books about marine art and these books can be seen described on the publications section of this web site.